types of web Hosting


  • Types of web hosting
  • Managed vs unmanaged web hosting
  • Linux vs windows web hosting
  • Compare Price of web hosting
  • Free web hosting
  • Frequently asked questions or user’s common doubts.
When we start a new website, we have to need a storage space where we can keep our website’s data on it. Find the right web hosting is a big problem for beginners. We try to find answers on Which type of web hosting, we have to require. Many companies provide cheap hosting but their technical support isn’t enough when we have problems. So what are the types of web hosting and which type of web hosting, required by our website? Start with this question

types of web hosting
types of web hosting

What is web hosting?

When we have a website and we want to share our website on the internet, we need a space for these space systems or storage called web server. These web servers are the physical storage system, which we used to store our website and their data. These servers work like our company system and their Harddisk which we used to store our files. which types of web hosting are best for you?
Many companies provide storage for the website, it is physically stored. How much storage system provides by these companies, it depends on your plans. These companies are known as web hosting companies. These companies provide many types of web hosting. 

Web hosting GoDaddy

Manu users search about GoDaddy web hosting. They think GoDaddy web hosting is a type of web hosting and suitable for their website hosting. In fact, it is a wen hosting provider that provides servers for the website’s owner. Many other companies provide better service than GoDaddy. Let’s start with how many types of web hosting.

1. Shared web hosting

Shared web hosting is the cheapest and made for beginners. It is used by those users who have less than 100k monthly visitors. It cannot handle too much traffic for your website. But yet it is the best option for beginners. 
In shared web hosting, you shared web servers with multiple users that’s why you will get limited resources. You can’t use many resources like CPU or you can’t install too many plugins because of limited CPU power. And also you don’t gave get security features like SSL certificate.
Price: Start from 1 $- 20$

2. VBS web hosting

types of web hosting, VPS web hosting

It is known as Virtual Private Server. It works as shared web hosting but we can get more storage and resources. In fact, the physical server divided into a virtual machine. Each virtual server or virtual machine distributes in each user that means your servers don’t share with other users. In other words, each VPS has its own operating system. And also CPU, storage and RAM divided into each user.
The main advantage of VPS web hosting over shared web hosting, it can handle more traffic monthly. And we will get more bandwidth than shared web hosting. Many security features get free in VPS servers, which we do not get in shared web hosting.
Price : 20-100 $

3. Dedicated web hosting

Much costly than VPS server and shared web hosting. In dedicated web hosting, one server allocated to one website. That’s mean we will get one complete server for our website. So we have more storage, CPU and RAM can be chosen according to our plans. Approximately all companies provide the best technical support for their customers. Daily backup facilities provided by the company without any cost.
Price: start from $ 100

types of web hosting
Many people have confused about Managed web hosting and unmanaged web hosting. These are not new types of web hosting, actually, it is the part of web hosting.


UnManaged web hosting

In this hosting, we will get a blank server which means fully free space. We have to manually install the website or all types of application. Unmanaged web hosting is the best option for those users, who have knowledge about how to managed web hosting. It is cheap than managed web hosting

Managed web hosting

In this hosting, we get a team from web hosting company. They help us to manage our website. This type of web hosting is for experienced people.
Managed and unmanaged web hosting may be shared, VPS and Dedicated web hosting.

Windows web hosting vs Linux web hosting

Windows web hosting

We already discussed in the first paragraph, we get a storage system by the web hosting companies. These physical server run by Operating systems like our Laptop or PC. 
Windows web hosting means, our servers run by windows operating the system. The main advantage of windows web hosting is more application. Many types of applications we can install on windows web hosting.

Linux web hosting

The web hosting which is run by Linux web hosting. The only basic application is available on this hosting. Compare with windows web hosting it is cheap than windows web hosting.
Windows and Linux web hosting may be shared, VPS or dedicated web hosting. Both types of web hosting are more popular. 
Cpanel is available for both types of hosting so choose according to your needs


I already write an article on it so click here for reading.

Free Web hosting service

Do you have a paid custom domain or a free domain name? If you have and now Do you want to buy a free web hosting?
Answers are yes, you can get free web hosting from various companies. If you are beginners and you don’t have money to buy a website hosting you can make a website on
1. Google Blogger
2. Infinity free 
Google Blogger is free but you can’t install WordPress on it. Google Blogger is best for those users who have to write a simple blog.
Infinity free is a great website to provide free web hosting and free Cpanel. It offers lifetime free web hosting. You can install free WordPress on it and use all plugins on it.

Frequently asked questions

types of web hosting

What is web hosting and domain?
The domain is an address of your website identified by the domain.
Web hosting is a place where you can install the website and store your files.

1. Is GoDaddy a hosting site?

Yes, for more information go to GoDaddy web site.

2. Can I host a website for free?

Yes, various companies offer free web hosting for a lifetime. I recommend you use Infinity free service for free web hosting.

3. How can I host my own website and domain for free?

Yes, Free Domain is provided by FreeNom website. Go to Freenom.com and buy a free Domain name for a lifetime.

4. Do I have to pay for website hosting?

Yes, Pais web hosting takes a monthly fee or annual fees from users. Price start from 1$- 200$ or much more.

5. Is Bluehost better than GoDaddy?

As by reviews and users, Bluehost provides better service than GoDaddy. But technical support is best from GoDaddy.

6. What is the cheapest way to host a website?

Hostinger is a web hosting company that offers us from 0.1$. that is the cheapest monthly fees.
For other inquiry below, I will surely help you. 

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